Olympia Credit Union appreciates and honors their volunteers. Without them we could not exist. We were established in 1965 and since then fabulous volunteers have come and gone. Each volunteer throughout our history has influenced how your credit union operates today. One thing they all have in common is a strong sense of doing what is right and helping people. Volunteer today and be a part of our history!
Here are your Volunteers Today:
Board of Directors

Board Chair, Larry Lufkin

Vice Chair, Steven Vessey

Secretary, Kathy Boos

Director, Shirley Legg

Position Open

Director, Shana Oliver
Supervisory Committee

Supervisory Chair, Sandy Jenkins

Secretary, Ric Ordos
Our mission statement:
“Embracing the human difference” by providing safe affordable financial services to ALL people and working together to make a positive difference in our community.
Some questions you may have:
Why do credit unions need volunteers?
Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperative financial institutions. They rely on their volunteers to make decisions for the credit union that best represent its membership. Members own the credit union. Therefore the volunteers are voted into office by the membership whom they will represent. Banks have a group of share holders that are driven by profit. That profit is shared amongst only the share holders. Credit Unions have volunteers who are not compensated. All profits made are returned to ALL members of the credit union in the form of competitive loan rates, share rates and FREE or low cost financial services. Credit unions cannot exist without their volunteers.
Why would I want to be a volunteer for my Credit Union?
Credit Union volunteers represent the membership and give direction to what they want from their credit union. Volunteers set the goals and policies that plant the seed of the business model the credit union grows upon. Being a volunteer gives you a voice and a more active role in sculpting a credit union that will best serve the greater community. Haven’t you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes; what drives the credit union’s progress? Wouldn’t it be great to have a voice in how your financial institution operates and grows?
What qualifications do I need to be a volunteer?
The best way to represent the entire membership is to have a diverse group elected to the Board and Supervisory Committee. We have volunteers with in depth expertise in financial analysis while others are self employed and understand how to market a business and manage staff. We have some with an auditing background and others who are huge advocates for the credit union movement and understand how credit unions came into existence. The number one qualification is someone who is an ambassador for Olympia Credit Union and wants to influence the direction of the credit union for the good of the membership as a whole.
How much time do I need to volunteer at my Credit Union?
That depends on what capacity you volunteer. Here are some examples:
If you wish to serve on the Board of Directors~ They typically meet every month in the early morning for approximately 1.5 hours. One week prior to the meeting a board packet is provided for a review of the agenda, financial data, policies, and other supporting performance reports and articles. The Board chair may call a meeting outside the normal board meeting if circumstances should arise that the board feels it necessary to hold a special meeting. The Board of Directors represents the membership; hires and evaluates the CEO who leads the staff in the direction of the credit union’s desired business plan; ensures sound financial decisions that will keep the credit union viable and independent to serve its members.
If you wish to be on the Supervisory Committee~ They typically meet bi-monthly in the evening for approximately one hour. In between those meetings there are scheduled audits that need to be performed and can be done during the CU open business hours. The supervisory Committee acts as the auditors of the credit union’s internal controls ensuring policies are being followed; documentation of loan files accurate and compliant with policies; technology security in place; recruitment and contracting with a CPA firm to perform required annual audits; and many other auditing functions.
Not interested in the Supervisory Committee or Board of Directors but wouldn’t mind contributing your expertise in other ways? We’ve got more for you! From time to time there are special committees developed to take on various tasks. This could be anything from a task force testing or troubleshooting product performance to a committee researching branch expansion options. If this is where you can volunteer, email [email protected] and express your topics of interest. Please leave your contact information so various committee chairs will be able to get a hold of you.
What do I do next if I want to be on the Supervisory Committee or Board of Directors?
Click the link below to print the volunteer application. Please complete the application and mail it to:
Olympia Credit Union
Attn: Tammy Doles-Roberts
PO BOX 7549
Olympia WA 98507
The CEO will forward your application to the recruitment committee for consideration. Even if there are no current positions open, you may be called in to interview for an intern position. An intern position will give you the opportunity to see what it is all about. Then, when the annual election comes up you can decide if you want to run for the open seat. Elected seats are for a 3 year term, voted on by the membership of Olympia Credit Union and announced at the annual meeting held in April.